What is Spirituality: A Quick Introduction

What is Spirituality?

    Hey y'all! Welcome to the blog! this'll be my first post, and what better way to start things off with some foundational knowledge?

    In this blog, I cover a variety of topics concerning spirituality. not everyone is familiar with this term, and for those who've heard of it before, you may not know what it really means.

    So what is spirituality? Essentially, it's the belief and pursuit of a higher power. this higher power goes by many names and forms, like God, the Goddess, the Universe, etc. 

    Through the pursuit and faith of this higher power, one can find inner peace, love, insight, wisdom, and self-knowledge. Self-knowledge? yep. that's because of the spiritual truth that everything outside of you is a reflection of what's within you. this truth can be summed up in this adage right here: "as above, so below."

    Now let's dive a little deeper to what spirituality entails

    there are many paths to be taken through spirituality, whether religious or non-religious. I'm sure you're well acquainted with the path most taken by the world: Christianity. there are also many other religions as well: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Gnosticism, Confucianism, to name a few. 

    the non-religious paths don't really have names to them, I've found, but rather more focus on spiritual practices and inner-cultivation. spiritual practices include meditation, journaling, yoga, gratitude, tarot, oracle cards, etc.

    if you're searching for a more freer and less restrictive way of reaching this higher power, than non-religious spirituality is the way to go. if you want a more structured approach, then religion will typically supply that for you.

    And with that concludes this post! I hope you've learned something from this quick post. leave a question or comment if you feel inclined to do so, or even critiques are always welcomed. until we meet again! namaste nigga! lol
